Saturday, August 6, 2011

Artslam 2011 - 61, 62

Studies for the omake chapter.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Artslam 2011 - 60

57-59 were comic pages, everything else before that was sketches for my other series. /_\

Doing some practice sketches for the omake chapter. Still need to actually plan it out orz

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Artslam 2011 - 48, 49

The entry for 48 was yesterday's comic page.

A preview of page 9, since I'm changing up the style for this quite significantly for the next chapter.

I'm trying to speed up my comic drawing process as much as possible, and the largest time sink in drawing the comic is doing the lineart, so I considered a style that eliminates the lineart altogether. (some of the best Western comics have no inking whatsoever anyway hahaha)

This was done just under an hour, including adding the text, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out. There does need to be a little more variation in colour though, I think.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Artslam 2011 - 37-42

Two draft pages for chapter 7:

Cover draft:

Some old art done for a uni assignment a few months ago. Kept forgetting to post it here... orz

Friday, July 1, 2011

Artslam 2011 - 35, 36

If anyone's wondering where the other days have gone, I've posted sketches for a second series during that time. As usual, if you're looking for those sketches, just head on over to my artslam tag on LJ.